Newman Dialysis Clinic
The Dialysis Centre is the first of its kind for Newman and its neighbouring communities, providing accessible healthcare to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents in the region.
Funded by BHP, the Centre is run by Purple House staff and is equipped with the latest in dialysis machine technology managed by specialist nurses trained in dialysis treatment, with enough machines to treat up to 4 patients per day. As one person needs treatment 3 times a week we have totally capacity for 8 patients.
Requesting for dialysis
Please be aware of the following in order to assist us in ensuring that we offer the best service possible:
- Do not walk in for dialysis treatment as it puts patients' health at risk

- Please contact your Kidney Doctor before visiting the clinic

- Consultation with the Kidney Doctor is required to check to see if the patient is suitable for dialysis

- Contact us early as it takes time to get everything in place

Contact us
To learn more about our dialysis service and make an enquiry, please contact:
PAMS Newman Clinic: 08 9111 1778
Newman Dialysis Clinic: 08 9116 8646
Pilbara Dialysis Coordinator: 0477 248 221