Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service is a provider of services under the NDIS. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (also called the NDIS) provides all Australians under the age of 65 with permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need.
Our NDIS Team provides a range of services to help you across all stages of your engagement with the NDIS. PAMS NDIS Team is made up of:
- Support Coordination
- Evidence and Access Coordinator
- Remote Community Connectors
Together the team works to provide culturally appropriate connections between the NDIA and community, helping to enhance engagement and communication with some of the nation’s most isolated communities. They work alongside interested individuals, carers and families to access the scheme. We support you to:
- Understand access procedures and complete eligibility testing
- Assist you to develop your individualised plan
- Coordinate providers and implement services and supports
- Link you with your community
- Liaise directly with the NDIA
Our person-centred approach means we always listen to what you want and need to ensure your plan works for you. Let us tell you how PAMS can assist you to get the most from your NDIS plan, call us on 08 9177 8307